02 January 2012


Winter's chill begs for certain meals to come to the table.

+Caren Grantz Keljik  prepared nabemono, a Japanese winter stew cooked at the table. You can see the portable stove with a ceramic pot, filled to the brim with a lightly flavored stock, slices of daikon and napa cabbage, chunks of tofu, caps of shiitake mushrooms, and lengths of green onion.

After each batch of ingredients cooked, we fished them out of the pot with chopsticks and bathed them in the stock of our individual bowls, flavored with soy sauce, fresh lemon, and green onion.

As the meal progressed, the daikon absorbed more and more flavor, and the "lightly flavored stock" became the most delicious savory broth you could imagine.

We were happy campers.


  1. Have you found that diet and nutrition plays an important role in preventing and healing the human body of various diseases?

  2. Absolutely. I've also found that environment and genes play a large role, as well as sleep and stress (or lack thereof).
