My first child was born January 2018. It took me almost a year to tell that birth story in a public sphere.
It's a big story.
It’s so big that I knew I would go through another round of processing before Baby #2 arrived (guess date: October 31). So big that I put off looking at my colleague’s edits and comments on a rough draft for nearly a year. So big that these almost three thousand words still aren’t enough to capture the full dramatic structure.
Well, enough preamble. Onto pre-labor.
It's a big story.
It’s so big that I knew I would go through another round of processing before Baby #2 arrived (guess date: October 31). So big that I put off looking at my colleague’s edits and comments on a rough draft for nearly a year. So big that these almost three thousand words still aren’t enough to capture the full dramatic structure.
Well, enough preamble. Onto pre-labor.